1, 2, 4, 251, 502, 1004.
No because it has more than two factors
Well, isn't that a happy little math question! Let's see, if we want to find two numbers that multiply together to make 1004, we can say 28 times 36 equals 1008. That's pretty close! Just a few brushstrokes away from our target number. Keep exploring and you'll find the right combination in no time.
50% of 1004: = 50% x 1004 = 0.50 x 1004 = 502
Eight factors: 1 2 4 8 251 502 1004 2008.
1 2 4 8 16 251 502 1004 2008 4016.
MIV = 1004MIV = 1004MIV = 1004MIV = 1004MIV = 1004MIV = 1004MIV = 1004MIV = 1004MIV = 1004
1004 millibars is approximately equal to 29.65 inches of mercury.
As of October 2013 the only location selling the PSP 1004 is eBay.