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It is impossible to be in between one number.

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9y ago

It is not possible for any number to be between only one number. The concept of between requires two end numbers.

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both number are less than 10, the distance between the two number on the number line is 14

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There are an infinite number of points between any two numbers on the real number line.

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The Density Property states that, between two rational numbers on a number line there is another rational number. Mark some fractions on a number line. No matter how dense the number line is, there still is another number between the two numbers.

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As the denominator increases the fraction will be smaller but there is no limit to how tiny that fraction can be. So between any two numbers on the number line, you can have an infinite number of fractions.

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Do you mean a line number and multiplication? A line number is a single number and a multiplication is two numbers multiplied. One and one is two. 1X2 is 3

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How do you teach the difference between negative numbers?

Put all the numbers - zero, positive, negative - on a number line. Positive numbers to the left, negative numbers to the right. The difference between any two numbers is represented by the distance between them. Thus putting numbers on a number line is a great visualization tool.

Between what two numbers would 9 be located on a number line?

If we are talking whole numbers, then 9 is between 8 and 10. But if you have a number line measure in tenths (decimals), then 9 is between 8.9 and 9.1. If the number line is in halves, then 9 coms in between 8 and a half and 9 and a half. There are lots of answers. It just depends on the scale of the number line.

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The distance between two numbers is the absolute value of their difference.

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By finding the difference of them

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