It's thought that Archimedes, the ancient Greek scientist, used lodestone to pull nails from enemy ships in war to make them collapse and sink.
Yes, the Chinese discovered the lodestone.
What is Archimedes origin?
Yes, Archimedes was an inventor.
Archimedes did not rule. He was a scientist.
Another name for lodestone is magnetite. Lodestone is a naturally magnetized form of magnetite that was used in ancient times for navigation.
A lodestone is a naturally occurring magnet and is considered to be a strong magnet.
Lodestone is an example of a natural magnet.
Yes, the Chinese discovered the lodestone.
Natural magnets are from lodestone (magnetite).
Lodestone Games was created in 2001.
Lodestone is not a physical location in New York. A lodestone is a naturally magnetized piece of the mineral magnetite, not a specific place.
Lodestone or magnetite is a magnetic type of Iron oxide ore.double click on lodestone or magnetite for an answer tips definition.
I placed a lodestone near the compass to help with navigation.
The natural magnet is present at the core of our planet earth.
China is one. Lodestone is the main ingredient of a magnet.
you an find lodestone in the rivers, mines, minerals and above the ground