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Sorry, I was aiming for Uranus.

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Kevin Medina

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βˆ™ 4y ago


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Q: What did the martin say when he accidentally landed on Venus?
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Who Made The First Triangle?

Theoretically, some Roman guy. That's only who invented the name triangle though. As for the first shape with three sides, I would say someone in the Indus River Valley if your speaking of humans. If else, probably some random animal accidentally scribbled one in the dirt. Of course, even before that, natural formations in land probably made triangles.

Can 35 percent hydrogen peroxide be ingested medically?

I would have to say No.The Hydrogen Peroxide you buy at the drugstore is only 3%, and the label tellsif you want to use it as mouthwash, you should mix half-half with water, so you'd have 1.5%And it says not to swallow it. I'm sure that if you accidentally swallowed a little bit,you'd probably be OK.Now imagine instead of 1.5%, you have 23 times the concentration! Imagine all that foam in your stomach. I think the reaction would be violent and very painful to say the least. And surely very dangerous.

Which planet is associated with the pentagram shape?

A pentagram is an unbroken five pointed star representing Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the Spirit. The pentagram shape comes from the path that the planet Venus makes across the night sky. Others say it is associated with stars in general rather than with a particular planet. You can easily find 50 five pointed stars on the American flag.

How do you say 58 in french?

for the numbers you say 58!!! Seriously u say: cinquante-huit

How do you say 110 in French?

To say 110 in French, you would say "cent dix."