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There are thousands of different units for measuring hundreds of different attributes. The question needs to be a bit more specific.

There are thousands of different units for measuring hundreds of different attributes. The question needs to be a bit more specific.

There are thousands of different units for measuring hundreds of different attributes. The question needs to be a bit more specific.

There are thousands of different units for measuring hundreds of different attributes. The question needs to be a bit more specific.

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12y ago

There are thousands of different units for measuring hundreds of different attributes. The question needs to be a bit more specific.

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Q: What different units can be used?
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There are different units for measuring different attributes.

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What are the units for a thermometer?

AnswerA thermometer is used to measure temperature.There are different units used to express temperature these units include kelvin,celsius and fahrenheit.These units can be convert from one to the other by simple calculation.However thermometers are found with different units of temperature, most thermometers measure in celsius and Fahrenheit.

Is this true that conversion factor is a ratio of equivalent values used to express the same units in different quantities?

No. The same quantities in different units.

What is the standard metric unit used for types of measurement?

There are several standard metric units, for measuring different things.There are several standard metric units, for measuring different things.There are several standard metric units, for measuring different things.There are several standard metric units, for measuring different things.

Why did imperial units become metric units?

They didn't. Metric Units were developed independently of Imperial units. Originally each country, and sometimes different parts of the same country, had different sets of units. The Metric System was invented to solve the confusion of different units used in different parts of France. Gradually other countries adopted Metric and abolished their own units. The British Imperial units were one of the last to be abolished.

What is the non si unit for volume?

Cubic feet, or cubic inches, are often used. Then there are special units for volume, unfortunately, different units are used for liquids (gallons), and for dry things like grain (bushels).Cubic feet, or cubic inches, are often used. Then there are special units for volume, unfortunately, different units are used for liquids (gallons), and for dry things like grain (bushels).Cubic feet, or cubic inches, are often used. Then there are special units for volume, unfortunately, different units are used for liquids (gallons), and for dry things like grain (bushels).Cubic feet, or cubic inches, are often used. Then there are special units for volume, unfortunately, different units are used for liquids (gallons), and for dry things like grain (bushels).

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What are the unit used to express about measurement?

There are many different units used in mensuration, depending on what is being measured. The most widespread and common, especially among the technical community is the SI system. See the link below for the different units used in this system.

What is firecode drywall used for?

For the interior walls between two different units.

Why do we need standard of units?

It would be quite confusing if everybody used different units - or different definitions for the same units. But that was exactly what happened in the past - for example, a pound in one country is generally NOT the same as a pound in Another Country.

How many kilowatts are used in 10 units of gas?

There is no simple answer since different gases have different calorific values.