The precision of a number is determined by its last digit. The true value lies with a half of the place value of this last digit. In the above case it is the 6, which is in the thousandths place. So the true value lies within half-of-one-thousandths of the given number. That is, it lies in the interval [234.8955, 234.8965]. I use round-to-even, which is the default rounding mode used in IEEE 754 standard for computing functions and operators.
In this case with 234.896 the last digit, '6' determines the precision since in is the last non-zero digit.
If a number is given to the true degree of precision, this is always determined by its last digit - in this case, 6.
Always the last number, so in this example the precision is to hundredths.
In this case with 234.896 the last digit, '6' determines the precision since in is the last non-zero digit.
It has no precision, since there is no following number.
The precision is determined by the POSITION of the number 6 - NOT its value.
There a four significant figures in the number 16.82, the last '2' determines the best precision available.
The last digit, 2.
The "2".