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A total of five coins.

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30 cents

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Q: What do 4 nickels and one dime make up?
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What do two nickels make?

10 cents, but it also makes two shiny coins. Two nickels make up the value of a dime.

How many ways can you make change for 75 cents using nothing but nickels and dimes?

1 nickel = 5c 1 dime = 10c If 75c were all nickels then there would be 15 nickels. 2 nickels can then be changed for 1 dime and this can be done 7 times so that the final make up is 1 nickel and 7 dimes. There are thus 8 ways of producing 75c using just nickels and dimes.

How many nickels and dimes make a dollar?

Each dollar is worth 100 cents; each nickel is worth five cents; each dime is worth 10 cents. You can put together any combination of nickels and dimes you like to make up one dollar.

How many different combinations can you make with 17 cents?

1 Dime, 1 Nickel, 2 Pennies 1 Dime, 7 Pennies 3 Nickels, 2 Pennies 2 Nickels, 7 Pennies 1 Nickel, 12 Pennies 17 Pennies The answer is 6 different combinations!

What4 coins that makes up 25 cent?

1 dime and 3 nickels

If you have twenty eight cents how many different combinations of coins could you have?

Seven combinations that I can come up with: two dimes a nickel and three pennies all pennies two dimes and eight pennies a quarter and three pennies five nickels and three pennies three nickels one dime and three pennies two nickels one dime and eight pennies

What 5 coins add up to 50 cents and the coins are not the same?

two quarters, two dimes and a nickel: One half dollar, and one dime and two nickels

How many ways to make change for 23 cents?

9 ways 2 dimes and 3 cents 1 dime and 2 nickels and 3 cents 1 dime and 1 nickel and 8 cents 1 dime and 13 cents 4 nickels and 3 cents 3 nickels and 8 cents 2 nickels and 13 cents 1 nickel and 18 cents 23 cents

How many combinations are there if you need 0.65 and can't use pennies but one coin is a quarter?

Well, isn't that just a happy little question! If you have a quarter (worth 25 cents) and can't use pennies, you could make 0.65 using a quarter and a dime (10 cents), or three quarters. So, there are two combinations in this scenario - each one a unique little masterpiece!

What does it mean when you are always finding nickels?

Always finding nickels means that you need to lighten up a little. By lightening up you will have more. For instance, the dime: half the weight but twice the value. NUM3ER5... they're amazing!

Is there such thing as a dime on one side of a coin and a penny on the other?

yes if the workers screwed up enough to make a dime/penny

How do you show 2 different possible combinations of dimes and nickels that would total 27.75?

There must be at least one nickel, to account for the 5 cents of the 75 cents. So, one solution would be 1 nickel and 277 dimes. This would be (277 x 0.10) + 0.05 = 27.70 + 0.05 = 27.75 Another solution would be 1 dime and 553 nickels. This would be (553 x 0.05) + 0.10 = 27.65 + 0.10 = 27.75 You will have an odd number of nickels in an solution. Possible solutions include 1 nickel & 277 dimes 3 nickels & 276 dimes 5 nickels & 275 dimes 7 nickels & 274 dimes 9 nickels & 273 dimes up to 553 nickels and 1 dime