They refer to the time - in hours. The slanted edge of the gnomon casts a shadow on the sundial at the position which represents the time.
using a sundial
The "mean" of a group of numbers is their "average". It doesn't tell you what the numbers are, or even how many numbers there are.
No, the geometric mean is not the same as the mean of two numbers.
The sundial
The raised arm of a sundial that indicates the time of day by its shadow is the gnomon (NO-mon). A sundial has but one arm, what do you mean by secondary arm?
The secondary arm on a sundial is called the gnomon. It is the part of the sundial that casts a shadow to indicate the time of day.
Sundials casts shadow that points to the time represented by marks of numbers. The sundial tells the solar time.
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a grass plot or sundial
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I have a sundial in the garden.The sundial were the earliest form of clocks.
That Yahweh (GOD) made time last longer
He used a portable sundial.
The answer depends on what is wrog with the sundial.
The pin of a sundial is called a gnomon. It is the part of the sundial that casts a shadow onto the dial face to indicate the time.
The vertical pointer on a sundial is the gnomon.