A 200-sided shape is called a dihectogon. The prefix "di-" indicates 200 in this context, and the suffix "-gon" denotes a polygon with a specific number of sides. Dihectogons are very rare in geometry and are not commonly encountered in practical applications.
Oh, dude, that's easy. A 200-sided shape is called a "dihectakaitetragon." Yeah, I know, it sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but hey, math can be weird like that. So next time you're doodling and accidentally draw a 200-sided shape, you can impress your friends by dropping that fancy term on them.
you call a seven sided shape a heptagon.
A 30 sided shape is called a Triacontagon.
this shape is called a Pentacontagon
A Tetraicosaterapentatetracontapenhectogigahenicosapenhectomegapentadecadihectohilliahexapenhectogon. Wow, that is long!
you call a seven sided shape a heptagon.
An 11 sided shape is an Eptogon
A 12-sided shape is called a dodecagon.
A 30 sided shape is called a Triacontagon.
A nine sided shape or polygon is called a nonagon.
A seven sided shape is called a heptagon.
Why not just call it "a 130-sided shape"? because its not called that, spaz.
A five sided geometric shape is called a pentagon.
a 9 sided shape is a nonagon
this shape is called a Pentacontagon