Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! If you take the number 39,604 and add 16 to it, you'll get a new number. Just like adding a touch of color to a painting can bring it to life, adding 16 to 39,604 will give you the answer you're looking for. Remember, there are no mistakes in math, just happy little accidents!
Three times more is NOT defined as "triple". Rather it is "triple more". Three times MORE than 4 is NOT 12. Three times AS MUCH as 4 is 12. Three times MORE than 4 is 12 more than 4, which is 16.
Twelve more than half of 16 is twenty.Since 20 minus 12 is 8, and half of 16 is 8, then 12 more than half of 16 is 20.
Nobody who contributes to this website would be cruel enough to give you the answers to a math workbook, and deprive you of the chance to learn some math by working the exercises. You probably wonder what math is good for, and what you'll ever do with it. But I can tell you for sure: Learning math will be way more useful to you in just a few years than learning to cheat on your workbook will be.
Speaking of a person's age, it means "older than 16 years of age". Speaking of algebra or arithmetic, it means "divided by 16".
16 more than -31 = -15
Two are more than one.
Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! If you take the number 39,604 and add 16 to it, you'll get a new number. Just like adding a touch of color to a painting can bring it to life, adding 16 to 39,604 will give you the answer you're looking for. Remember, there are no mistakes in math, just happy little accidents!
the number 8 is 16 more than its opposite
The math for base 16 is easier and faster than the math for base 2.
u should talk to a doctor that's not normal
No. 16 is 20 more than -4.
16 + 100 = 116
16 + 10 = 26
Three times more is NOT defined as "triple". Rather it is "triple more". Three times MORE than 4 is NOT 12. Three times AS MUCH as 4 is 12. Three times MORE than 4 is 12 more than 4, which is 16.