M or m both represent a thousand in Roman numerals
In Roman numerals, "W" does not represent any specific value. Roman numerals use letters such as I, V, X, L, C, D, and M to represent different values. The largest value represented by a single letter in Roman numerals is 1,000, which is represented by the letter "M".
The Roman numerals CIC represent 199.
The Roman numerals for the number 2 are "II". Consequently, to represent the 2 Australian Olympians using Roman numerals, we would write "II".
Roman numerals represent numbers, they do not represent words.
M or m both represent a thousand in Roman numerals
In Roman numerals, "W" does not represent any specific value. Roman numerals use letters such as I, V, X, L, C, D, and M to represent different values. The largest value represented by a single letter in Roman numerals is 1,000, which is represented by the letter "M".
The Roman numerals CIC represent 199.
The Roman numerals for the number 2 are "II". Consequently, to represent the 2 Australian Olympians using Roman numerals, we would write "II".
Roman numerals represent numbers, they do not represent words.
In today's notation of Roman numerals they represent 299 in Hindu-Arabic numerals
No, MMMM does not equal 2020 in Roman numerals. In Roman numerals, M represents 1000, and repeating it four times would result in 4000. To represent 2020 in Roman numerals, it would be written as MMXX.
I is the number 1 in Roman numerals.
There is no T in Roman numerals
In Roman numerals, it means N M C.
In today's terms of notating Roman numerals they represent 649
It is already in Roman numerals and they represent 82