According to the Material Safty Data Sheet on Roundup, it has a specific gravity of 1.01. This means the weight of Roundup is 1.01 times that of an equal volume of water. Water weighs 8.34 pounds per gallon, therefore one gallon of Roundup weighs 8.4234 pounds.
Ice weighs about 8.34 pounds per gallon, so 21 gallons of ice would weigh approximately 175 pounds.
A gallon of 30-weight motor oil weighs approximately 7 pounds.
Different liquids weigh different ammounts. You have to be specific about the resin you are interested in. Find the manufacturer and contact them. Water weighs 8.33 pounds per gallon. Your resin will weigh more.
Water weighs about 8.34 pounds per gallon. So, 40 gallons of water would weigh approximately 334.4 pounds.
About 8.35 pounds per US gallon.
Gas is 6.3 lbs. per gallon. 55 gallons of gas will weigh 346.5 lbs. A steel drum will weigh 40 lbs. and a plastic 55 gallon drum will weigh 20 lbs.
Sulfur dioxide weighs about 6.645 pounds per gallon.
Ammonia weights 5.15 pounds per gallon in contrast to water which weights 8.33 pounds per gallon.
Roughly 8.5 lbs per gallon. You do the Math.
Approximately 6.8 pounds per gallon.
Tar weighs approximately 7.5 pounds per gallon.
Avgas weighs about 6 pounds per gallon.
5.67 lbs/gallon @ 60'F
1 Gallon of gasoline weighs 6.152 lbs.