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It creates a trapezium frustum.

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The intersection will also be a square.

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Q: What does a plane that cuts through a square pyramid parallel to its base result to?
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How do you carve a cube to make a square pyramid?

Suppose the top face of the pyramid is ABCD with the square EFGH directly below it.Suppose AC and BD meet at P, the apex of the pyramid.Make a cut with a plane through P which is parallel to AB and goes through EF.Make a cut with a plane through P which is parallel to BC and goes through FG.Make a cut with a plane through P which is parallel to CD and goes through GH.Make a cut with a plane through P which is parallel to DA and goes through HE.The result will be the square-based pyramid PEFGH.

Are the edges of a square pyramid parallel?

The base of a square pyramid is a square and its edges are parallel. The sides are not parallel since they intersect at the apex.

What describes all cross sections of a square pyramid where the intersecting plane is parallel to the base?

All cross sections of a square pyramid that are parallel to the base are squares

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How many parallel lines does a square based pyramid?


How many parallel lines does a square-based pyramid have?


How many parallel edges does a pyramid with a square base have?

Two pairs.

How many parallel lines are in a square based pyramid?

Two pairs.

What is the difference between a square pyramid and a square prism?

A prism is defined as a solid (or three dimensional) geometrical shape in which the sides are parallel, whereas in a pyramid the sides are not parallel and they all come together in an apex.

What is A four sided figure with 2 pairs of parallel?

Square based pyramid