I don't know which way you are picturing it, but I think that you're either on about the star of david or a triforce
The upside down purple triangle was actually used to identify Jehovah's Witnessess
The hazard lights.
In mathematics, an upside down A means "for all".
It means that it is a right angle triangle
does anyone know this question i am stuck on mathswat ch
The upside down purple triangle was actually used to identify Jehovah's Witnessess
Low coolant
The hazard lights.
SYMBOLS USED IN WRITINGThree dots in a non-inverted triangle shape ( ∴ ) means 'therefore.'Three dots in an upside-down triangle shape ( ∵ ) means 'because'.SAFETY SYMBOLS∵ is also used to mark a "threat".For more information, see Related links below.
It means the person was a witch.
Probably a proof or bench mark of the inspector.
The S refers to sterling silver, and the 115 refers to the ring being 11.5% sterling. The triangle and TD are very likely a maker's mark.
The 'upside down' triangle symbol is the (greek?) letter Nabla. Nabla means the gradient. The gradient is the vector field whoose components are the partial derivatives of a function F given by (df/dx, df/dy).
An upside down triangle on a school bus typically indicates that the bus is carrying hazardous materials. This helps other drivers on the road to be aware and stay a safe distance behind the bus.
In mathematics, an upside down A means "for all".