In electricity is stands for Ampere which is the basic standard for measuring current. It is the measurement of the amount of electric charge (electrons) passing a set point over time.
In electronics is the short form of amplifier.
AMP stands for adenosine monophosphate, a nucleotide that plays a role in cellular energy metabolism and signal transduction pathways within cells. It also serves as a building block for the synthesis of RNA molecules.
The AMP was created in 2003.
A 15 amp breaker is not sufficient for a 225 amp load. You would need a breaker that matches the load current, such as a 225 amp breaker. Using a 15 amp breaker for a 225 amp load would cause the breaker to trip immediately due to overcurrent.
More information needed.
they say that amp means ..As Much As Posibble..
adenosine monophosphate
ampere. It measures electrical current.
kilo amp
AMPERE, Its the unit of Current. AMPERE, Its the unit of Current.
You should be able to connect to the amp.
Kvar stands for killo volt amp reactance.
1000 Milli Amp Hours How long the battery will last.
20 amp circuit breaker
The name Op Amp stands for Operational Amplifier. There are lots of different types of operational amplifiers. It would be wise to look for professional advice before deciding which one is right for you.
F = Fast 5A = 5 amp L=Low Break Capacity
milliamps, or 1/1000th of an amp, or 0.001 ampCommentThe correct term is milliamperes, not 'milliamps'.