BPs means Basis Points. A Basis Point is equal to 1/100th of 1%, so 50 Basis Points means 0.5%. It is used to denote a change in a financial instrument and commonly used for calculating changes in interest rates, equity indexes and yield of fixed-income securities.
The acronym BP has innumerable (2000+) uses as an acronym or initialism.
Some of the more popular or recent uses include:
British Petroleum (energy company that suffered a catastrophic oil spill in 2010)
Blood Pressure
Boiling Point (chemistry)
Border Patrol (US agency)
Bell's Palsy (facial paralysis)
Base Pair (genetics)
Basis Point (0.01 percent, financial)
Bills Payable (accounting)
Bp. abbreviation for a bishop (clergy)
Bipolar disorder (psychiatry)
Behavioral Psychologist
Black Powder (firearms)
Air Botswana (African airline)
BPS is an acronym or abbreviation for Bits Per Second and is a measure of data transmission rate, or the amount of Bits (ones or zero's) transmitted in 1 second.
This is normally used to indicate the transmission speed of network traffic or wireless network traffic. In the case of high speed connections the measure is usually Kilobits Per Second (KBS) or Megabits Per Second (MBS).
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The little ' m ' stands for 'mega' which is the same as 'million'.So 3.1 mbps = 3,100,000 bps.
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of a one is ten times that of a one in the place to its right. If it does not contain a fractional part then the decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal for 50 bps is 50 bps – as in the question.
There are 100bps in 1 percentage point. So its 100bps in 1 percent and 100 percent in one whole unit. Bps are used in situations where v small changes are being made - i.e. particularly in interest rates. So when the FED says its changing interest rates by 25bps it means 0.25% or like a change from 3% to 3.25%.
Besides our buiding with red marking corporation official written BPS? what does it mean.
You have a serial number of 00000 the letters NW mean your BPS was made in 1994.The B52 could be referring to the model number.
Browning Pump Shotgun "BPS"
There is no BPS file for the Xbox.
62 bps
With lowercase 'b' (bps), "bits per second" With uppercase 'B' (Bps), "bytes per second"
Sps 3 pay scale is equal to Bps 7
Legally, NPPL allowed for 15 bps. The fastest BPS ever recorded was 50 BPS on an Autococker.
Besides our buiding with red marking corporation official written BPS? what does it mean.
== ==
14000 thousand for bps 9 and 22000 for bps 16
32 year old BPS in 12 gauge.