It is: 120 = CXX in Roman numerals
The number 120 written in Roman numerals is CXX
120 = CXX
If your "cxx" is meant to connote Roman Numerals, then it's equal to 120.
It is: 120 = CXX in Roman numerals
The number 120 written in Roman numerals is CXX
120 = CXX
If your "cxx" is meant to connote Roman Numerals, then it's equal to 120.
CXX is 120 in Roman Numerals
(MMMDCCXXIII)CXX = 3,723,120 Numerals in brackets indicate multplication by a thousand. So: (MMMDCCXXIII) = 3,723*1000 = 3,723,000 CXX = 120
They are Roman numerals that represent 25 and 120 respectively
120,000 in Roman numerals is written (CXX) which means 1,000 times 120 = 120,000
On converting the Arabic number into roman numerals we get that : 120 in roman numerals is written as : CXX where C=100 and X=10.
It is: 120,511 = (CXX)DXI which means 1000*120+511 = 120,511
In Roman numerals, 120 is represented as CXIX. This is broken down as C (100) + X (10) + IX (9). The Roman numeral system is additive, meaning that smaller values are added to larger values to create the desired number.