1000 / -50 is equal to -20.
10 out of 20 is equal to half, or 50%
In fact, score does not equal 50 - score equals 20. "Four score and seven years ago" is equal to 4 x 20 + 7 = 87 years.
There are infinitely many quadratics that can equal 20.For example, given any positive number, a, a*x^2 + 20 will equal 20 for x= 0.
8:20 + 1:50 = 10:10
Negative 20.
40% of 50% of 100 is equal to 20.
If you have two pairs of numbers whose sum is the same, their product increases as the two numbers get nearer to half the sum. The product is a maximum at that value. 70 * 30 = (50+20)*(50-20) The right hand side is the factorisation of the difference of two squares, and can be shown to be equal to 502 - 202 Since 202 must be positive (it is a square), 70*30 must be less. For all values of x, (50+x)*(50-x) is less than or equal to 50*50=2500 with equality attained only when x = 0.