The Brief Interview for Mental Status or BIMS is a test given by medical professionals that helps determine a patient's cognitive understanding. A BIMS score of 13-15 indicates cognitively intact, 08-12 indicates moderately impaired, and 00-07 indicates severe impairment.
Score is used in French (un score, - masc.) to indicate the mark in sports. Score (meaning 20) is translated 'vingtaine' (fem.)
The PLAN test prepares you for the ACT and the score tells you about how well you will do on the actual ACT
A score is a 'group of 20' in numbers. So, that would be 20 years. Lincoln's 'four score and seven' was to indicate 87 years.
Generally, an "average" IQ score falls between 90-110. A score of 76 might indicate a need for some sort of educational intervention, i. e., reading remediation, etc.
A score of 4, 5, or 6 requires immediate intervention, usually in the form of oxygen and respiratory assistance, or perhaps just suctioning if breathing has been obstructed by mucus.
"Bims ? ? " - You use a studfinder to find anything inside drywall.
Microsoft Excel.
Microsoft Access.
Microsoft PowerPoint.
Microsoft Word.
The numbers inside the brackets after the score indicate what the score was at halftime. In the case of a penalty shootout, it could also indicate the result of the shootout.
Score is used in French (un score, - masc.) to indicate the mark in sports. Score (meaning 20) is translated 'vingtaine' (fem.)
An IQ score of 50 would indicate Mild or Moderate Retardation
That someone screwed something up. The highest credit score I've heard of is 950
The PLAN test prepares you for the ACT and the score tells you about how well you will do on the actual ACT
No, the opposite.No, the opposite.No, the opposite.No, the opposite.
With a note at the bottom.