When converting fractions to equivalent fractions, it must be remembered that you always multiply the numerator and denominator by the same amount. In this case, the denominator is 2 and we want it to be 6. Therefore we have to multiply top and bottom of the fraction by 3. Do this and we get 3/6. Thus the fraction equal to 1/2 with a denominator of 6 is 3/6.
To get the fraction with a denominator of 18 that is equivalent to 2/3, multiply 2/3 by 6/6:= 2/3 * 6/6= 12/18
1/6 = 2/12
im guessing since im only in 5th grade i think its 10 ---- 12
4.5/6 (but not possible fraction)
When converting fractions to equivalent fractions, it must be remembered that you always multiply the numerator and denominator by the same amount. In this case, the denominator is 2 and we want it to be 6. Therefore we have to multiply top and bottom of the fraction by 3. Do this and we get 3/6. Thus the fraction equal to 1/2 with a denominator of 6 is 3/6.
There is no equivalent improper fraction with a denominator of 6 - nor any other number.
Expressed as a fraction with the denominator 6, 1/2 is equal to 3/6 or three sixths.