45 goes into 72 one time with a remainder of 27. This can be calculated by dividing 72 by 45, which equals 1 with a remainder of 27. In division, the number being divided is called the dividend (72), the number we are dividing by is called the divisor (45), the result of division is called the quotient (1), and any leftover amount is called the remainder (27).
45/72 is 5/8.
LCM of 45 and 72 = 360
If you mean 45/72 then it is 5/8
45 is 37.5% smaller than 72.
Q: what percent of 45 is 72? 72/45=x/100 45*100=4500 72x=4500 4500 divided by 72=62.5 x=62.5 A: 62.5%
45 goes into 72 one time with a remainder of 27. This can be calculated by dividing 72 by 45, which equals 1 with a remainder of 27. In division, the number being divided is called the dividend (72), the number we are dividing by is called the divisor (45), the result of division is called the quotient (1), and any leftover amount is called the remainder (27).
45/72 is 5/8.
LCM of 45 and 72 = 360
45 is 62.5 percent of 72.
45/72 = 5/8
45/72 = 5/8
72 is 8/5 of 42, or 160% of 45
gcf for 36 72 45 is 9.
45/72 = 5/8 reduced
If you mean 45/72 then it is 5/8
45 is 37.5% smaller than 72.