17% = 17/100
17% = 17/100 in fraction
17% as a fraction is 17/100
As a decimal, 17% would be .17 as a fraction, 17% would be 17/100
17% = 0.17 17/100 = 0.17 17/100 is the recuded fraction
The decimal is 17, the fraction (if you must have one) is 17/1
It is simply 17/1 as an improper fraction
0.017 as a fraction = 17/10000.017 * 1000/1000 = 17/1000 in fraction
17% is 17/100 as a fraction in its simplest form
17 percent into a fraction and a decimal = 17/100; 0.17
1 and 17 =- 18, which is an integer, not a fraction.