-0.84 is, itself, a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is -84/100. You can simplify this rational fraction if you so wish.Since the absolute value of the numerator is 84, which is less than the corresponding denominator, there is no sensible representation as a mixed number.
A mixed number
A mixed number or mixed fraction.
A mixed number.
A mixed number or a mixed fraction.
It is a mixed fraction.
A mixed number
mixed numbers
A mixed numberThis is called a mixed number or mixed fraction.
A mixed number or mixed fraction.
It is a Mixed Number or Mixed Fraction.
A mixed number.
A number can be called either a mixed number or a mixed fraction when it is a whole number with a fraction.
A mixed number or mixed fraction.
A mixed number or a mixed fraction.
By changing the mixed number into an improper fraction.
It is a mixed fraction.
A mixed number can be changed into an improper fraction