0.5 divide 5 7/8
You have the choice of converting aall to fractions or all to decimals. #1 Convert to fractions.
0.5 = 1/2
So it becomes 1/2 divide 5 7/8
Remember the rule for division of fraction. Convert the denoi,mintor to an Improper (top heeavy) fraction/ Then, CHANGE THE SIGN TO MULTIPLY AND INVERT 9TURN OVER0 THE DENOMINTOR' then proceed as for multiplication of fractions.
1/2 divide 47/8 =
1/2 X 8/47
Cancel down by '2'
1/1 x 4/47 = 4/47 The answer. !!!!
#2 Convert all the decimals
5 7/8 = 5.875
0.5 divide 5.875
Set up division bracket
5.875 ) 0.5
Add sufficient zeroes to equal the denomintor
Shift the decimal point three places to the right
This would be a very tedious 'long division.
However, short circuiting, by calcultor th answer is 0.8510638...
However , does this compare with 4/47 / To make the comparison. On the calculator type in '4' divide '47' , '-' =0.85106...
So the numbers (answers) compare!!!!!!
Divide the percent by 100 (%/100). ie, 5% would be 5/100 or .05. Easy enough
To convert centimeters to meters, you need to divide the number of centimeters by 100 because there are 100 centimeters in a meter. Therefore, to convert 5 centimeters to meters, you would divide 5 by 100, which equals 0.05 meters. So, 5 centimeters is equal to 0.05 meters.
5x - 7=18 you add the seven to 18 and get 25 then you divide 25 by 5 to get x by itself and you will get 5 x=5
2 divide 5 = 0.4
Divide by 100. 5% = .05
The Seven - 2010 - 2011-05-05 was released on: USA: 5 May 2011
Calculator, google or think like this; 2.5 is divisible by 5. So is .05. .05 divided by five is .01. 2.5 divided by 5 = .5. Answer = .51
The Seven - 2010 - 2011-04-05 was released on: USA: 5 April 2011
5%=.5 Divide the percentage by 100 to change it to a decimal: 5% = 5/100 = .05
Divide the percent by 100 (%/100). ie, 5% would be 5/100 or .05. Easy enough
Divide 35 by 7 = 5 7 x 5 = 35
1 _equals .5 or .05 but if u are dividing on a calculator and you divide 1 by2 it will equal.5 2
Divide the numerator by the denominator. 5/7 = 0.714285714
If the question you are asking is a math problem, then you take the number 2312992 and divide it by the number 5. You answer would be 462598.4. This is a division problem.
To convert centimeters to meters, you need to divide the number of centimeters by 100 because there are 100 centimeters in a meter. Therefore, to convert 5 centimeters to meters, you would divide 5 by 100, which equals 0.05 meters. So, 5 centimeters is equal to 0.05 meters.