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Joanne Skiles

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4y ago
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12y ago

1-10 = uno/dos/tres/cuatro/cinco/seis/siete/ocho/nueve/diez

11-19 = once/doce/trece/catorce/quince/dieciseis/diecisiete/dieciocho/diecinueve

20-25 = veinte/veintiun(o)/veintidos/veintitres/veinticuatro/veinticinco

26-29 = veintiseis/veintisiete/veintiocho/veintinueve

30/40 = treinta/cuarenta/cincuenta

31-9/41-9 are achieved by adding 'y uno/y dos/y tres' etc. see 1-9 above)

50 = cincuenta

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14y ago

Ciento cincuenta

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Q: What is 1-50 in Spanish?
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How do you spell 150 in Spanish?

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What is 1500000 in Spanish?

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