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Consuelo Hauck

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4y ago
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9y ago

1,400,000,000 divided by 300,000,000 equals 4 and 2/3 or 4.6 repeating.

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9y ago

It is 4.66... recurring.

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Q: What is 1.4 billion divided by 3 hundred million?
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What are the place values of a 14 digit number?

Form left to right: (14): Ten trillion (13): One trillion (12): Hundred billion (11): Ten billion (10): One million (9): Hundred million (8): Ten million (7): One million (6): Hundred thousand (5): Ten thousand (4): Thousand (3): Hundred (2): Ten (1): Unit

Which digit is in the billions place of 927814760537?

927,814,760,537It is read 9 hundred 27 billion, 8 hundred 14 million, 7 hundred 60 thousand, 5 hundred 37. So the first 7 from the left is in the billion.

What is 5 to the 14 power?

5^14= 6,103,515,625, or 6.103515625 E 9, or Six Billion, One-Hundred Three Million, Five-Hundred Fifteen Thousand, Six-Hundred Twenty-Five.

How many zeros are in nine hundred billion?

In the UK there are million = 6 zeros trillion = 9 zeros billion = 12 zeros and 2 zeros in 9 hundred so 12 + 2 = 14

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What is 10 to the power of 15?

British: 10= ten (1) 100= hundred (2) 1000= thousand (3) 10,000= ten thousand (4) 100,000= hundred thousand (5) 1,000,000= million (6) 10,000,000= ten million (7) 100,000,000= hundred million (8) 1,000,000,000= thousand million (9) 10,000,000,000= ten thousand million (10) 100,000,000,000= hundred thousand million (11) 10,00,000,000,000= billion (12) 10,000,000,000,000= ten billion (13) 100,000,000,000,000= hundred billion (14) 1,000,000,000,000,000= thousand billion (15) So that's only A THOUSAND BILLION BTW I'm an astronomer and 1 light year is 9,460,528,400,000 km (you can just say 10 billion km) If you wanna thank me then send an e-mail to [[ If you want the american way, this is it: 10= ten (1) 100= hundred (2) 1000= thousand (3) 10,000= ten thousand (4) 100,000= hundred thousand (5) 1,000,000= million (6) 10,000,000= ten million (7) 100,000,000= hundred million (8) 1,000,000,000= billion (9)10,000,000,000= ten billion (10) 100,000,000,000= hundred billion (11) 10,00,000,000,000= trillion (12) 10,000,000,000,000= ten trillion (13) 100,000,000,000,000= hundred trillion (14) 1,000,000,000,000,000= quadrillion (15) ]]

What is 6 divided by 14 rounded to the nearest hundred?

6 divided by 14 rounded to the nearest hundred = 0.42857142857142855