To write 114 thousands as a decimal, you first need to understand that one thousand is equal to 1,000. So, 114 thousands would be 114,000. To convert this to a decimal, you would move the decimal point three places to the left, resulting in 114.000 or simply 114.
If the question isWhat is the decimal of 472 thousandths0.472
It is 7.009
5 ten thousands = Fifty thousands so a number such as 48953 will do.
1035 thousandths = 1035/1000 = 1.035
Expressed as a decimal, 1035/10000 is equal to 0.1035.
decimal for 96 thousands = 96000.0
139 thousands written in decimal form = 0.139
68 thousands in decimal form is 68,00068 thousandths in decimal form is 0.068
139 thousands in decimal form is 139,000139 thousandths in decimal form is 0.139
Fifty-eight thousands in decimal form is 58,000Fifty-eight thousandths in decimal form is 0.058
1035-246 = 789
1035 - 943 = 92
1150-1035 = 115
240-1035 = -795