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Devin Kling

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Q: What is 10 less than -3?
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Is 3 over 10 greater than or less than 1over 3?

3/10 is 10% less than 1/3 .

What number is 10 less than 3?

3 - 10 = -7 ?

What is less than 18 over 100 and more than 3 over 10?

Nothing. Any number that is less than 18/100 it must be less than 3/10.

Is 1 out of 3 greater than or less than 6 out of 10?

less than

What number is 10 times less than 3?

You want 10% of three which is .3 (3/10).

Is 3 yards less than more than or to 10 feet?

3 yards is less than 10 feet. 1 yard is 3 feet, so 3 yards is 9 feet.

What are the prime nubers less than 10?

Prime numbers less than 10 are: 2 3 5 and 7

Is 3 tbsp greater than equal to or less than 10 teaspoon?

less 3 tbsp = 9 tsp

Is the number which is 7 less than 10?

It is: 10-7 = 3

How many less than 10 is 7?

10 - 7 = 3

Less than -7 and greater than or equal to -10?


Why is 1 out of 5 greater than 1 out of 10 but less than 1 out of 3?

1/3 33%1/5 is 20%1/10 10%20 IS LESS THAN 33 BUT MORE THAN TEN