10 can go into 147 fourteen times, with a remainder of 7. This is calculated by dividing 147 by 10, which equals 14 with a remainder of 7. The remainder represents the amount left over after dividing as many times as possible by the divisor.
9X + 7
8.0e-7 or 8.0 x 10-7
7.0 × 10-7
The answer depends on whether "7 times out of 10" represents the proportion of hits or misses!
The 7 to the left of the decimal point represents 7 x 1. The 7 to the right of the decimal point represents 7 x 0.1 or 7 x 1/10. 7.0 is thus 10 times greater than 0.7
The left 7 represents 700. The right 7 represents 70. The left '7' is 10 times greater than the right '7'.
10 can go into 147 fourteen times, with a remainder of 7. This is calculated by dividing 147 by 10, which equals 14 with a remainder of 7. The remainder represents the amount left over after dividing as many times as possible by the divisor.
Three times as much means that the quantity is tripled or multiplied by three. It represents a comparison where one quantity is three times larger than another.
9X + 7
7*7*2*2*5*3 =(7*7)*(2*3)*(2*5) =49*6*10 =(50-1)*6*10 =(50*6-6)*10 =(300-6)*10 =294*10 =2940
0.7 * 10 = 7
8.0e-7 or 8.0 x 10-7