As a fraction .139 is 139/1000
139 is an integer and so there is no sensible way to represent it as a fraction.
139% as a fraction in simplest form is 139/100
It is: 139/60 hours
1.39 as fraction = 139/100
As a fraction .139 is 139/1000
139 = 139/1
139 is an integer and so there is no sensible way to represent it as a fraction.
139% as a fraction in simplest form is 139/100
It is: 139/60 hours
1.39 as fraction = 139/100
1.39 as a fraction = 139/100
1.39 = 139/100 in fraction
improper fraction: 139 over 100 mixed number: 1 and 39 over 100