80/100 120/150 160/200
To best solve the problem what is the fraction for 80 eighths, you must first convert 1/8 into a decimal. One divided by eight is .125. You then take .125 and multiply it by 80. The answer is 10, or in fraction form, 10/1.
88.75% To solve any percentage, divide the fraction then multiply by 100. In this case you use the fraction 71/80 to get the equation 71 divided by 80 times 100 = 88.75%
80% is 80/100. If we simplified this we would be left with. 4/5. 80 divided by 20. 100 divided by 20.
If you mean: 80/150 then it is 8/15 when reduced
80/300 = 40/150 = 20/75 = 4/15
80/100 120/150 160/200
150 mL is equivalent to 3/80 (three-eightieths) of 4 L.
To best solve the problem what is the fraction for 80 eighths, you must first convert 1/8 into a decimal. One divided by eight is .125. You then take .125 and multiply it by 80. The answer is 10, or in fraction form, 10/1.