15% of 400 is 60. To calculate this, first find what 10% of 400 is. You can do this easily by simply moving the decimal one place to the left (or dropping a zero), and you'll get 40. To find the remaining 5%, divide 40 by 2 (because if 40 is 10%, 20 must be 5%). Then just add those two numbers together to get 60.
15% off 400 = 85% left of 400 = 400*85/100 = 340
60 dollars off.
15 is what percent of 60= 15 / 60= 0.25Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.25 * 100 = 25%
67.5% of 400 = 270
To find 15 percent of 400 dollars, you would first convert 15 percent to a decimal by dividing it by 100, which gives you 0.15. Then, you multiply 0.15 by 400 to calculate the answer. This gives you 60 dollars, which is 15 percent of 400 dollars.
15% of 400 is 60.
15% off 400 = 85% left of 400 = 400*85/100 = 340
400 x 0.15 = 60.
15% of 400 is 60.How-to15% as a decimal is 0.150.15 x 400 = 60
15% of 60.00= 15% * 60= 0.15 * 60= 9.00
60 dollars off.
more than 100% (60/15*100=400%)
1.5% = 0.015 0.015 x 400 000 = 6 000
67.5% of 400 = 270