57.8 is 34% of 170
The GCF/HCF of 34 and 170 is 34.
It means the sum of all 5 numbers divided by 5 is 34, which is equivalent to the sum of all five numbers is 170, 5(34). There are many possibilities for 5 numbers to have a sum of 170. It's good if those numbers are close to the mean, 34. For example, 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 = 170.
x/4 = 34 Multiply both sides by '4' x = 136 The answer!!!!!
The lowest common multiple (LCM) of 10 and 34 is 170.
To determine how many times 5 goes into 170, we divide 170 by 5. The result is 34, with no remainder. Therefore, 5 goes into 170 exactly 34 times.
136 = 4 x 34, 170 = 5 x 34 so GCF is 34