It was founded in 1732 by James Edward Oglethorpe. The date is February 1, 1732, by our modern calendar, although it was February 12, 1732, by the calendar then in use.
3, 12, or 13 colonies
Constantia Grierson died on 1732-12-02.
1732 into a percent = 173200%= 1732 * 100%= 173200%
It is 1732/1.
Johann Christian Wiegleb was born on 1732-12-21.
A charter colony is a colony that has been founded based on the laws of a charter created by officials or sometimes the people that will live there in the case of many of the thirteen colonies in America. A charter is a document that has the rules of a piece of land that people will or have been settling in. The declaration of independence is a form of a charter.
The answer is 3. 36 divided by 12 = 3
The Georgia Charter of 1732 was signed on April 21, 1732 and ended in 1752.