The numbers that are divisible by 255 are infinite. They include: 255, 510, 765, 1020, 1275, 1530, 1785 . . .
in 1785 in 1785
Approx 2873 km.
No, 1785 is not a noun. It is a numerical value representing a year in the Gregorian calendar.
No one was the President of the United States in 1785. The first President of the United States, George Washington, took office in 1789 April. The Presidents of the Continental Congress in 1785 were Richard Henry Lee (1784 November 30 - 1785 November 4) and John Hancock (1785 November 23 - 1786 June 5).
New York was the capital of the United States from 1785 to 1790.
percentage = 44.57%% rate:= 1785/4005 * 100%= 0.4457 * 100%= 44.57%
Well, darling, 1785 rounded to the nearest thousand is 1000. It's like asking if you're closer to a million bucks or a thousand bucks when you've only got 1785 in your pocket. So, there you have it, 1785 is nearest to 1000.
Not sure but think it's northwest ordinance not ordinance of 1785