Form a common denominator which is usually the lowest common multiple of the denominators or, if this cannot be readily determined, use the product of the denominators. Convert one or more of the fractions into equivalent fractions having the common denominator as the new denominator. 15/16 + 17/32 = 30/32 + 17/32 = 47/32 = 115/32 as a mixed number
((6+6)/6)^6 = (12/6)^6 = 2^6 =64
6 + 6 - 6 * 6 - 6 = 6 + 6 - 36 - 6 = -30
9/17 ÷ 3/34 = 9/17 x 34/3 = (9 x 34)/(3 x 17) = 9/3 x 34/17 = 3 x 2 = 6
If the question is 41017 ÷ -19 then the answer is -2158.79 (2dp) If the question is 410.17 ÷ -19 then the answer is -21.5879 (4dp) When dividing a positive number by a negative number then the answer will be negative. Also, when a negative number is divided by a positive number the answer is a negative number.
Form a common denominator which is usually the lowest common multiple of the denominators or, if this cannot be readily determined, use the product of the denominators. Convert one or more of the fractions into equivalent fractions having the common denominator as the new denominator. 15/16 + 17/32 = 30/32 + 17/32 = 47/32 = 115/32 as a mixed number
6 - 6 + 6 - 6 + 6 - (6 / 6) = 5
(6-6)*6/6 = 6-6
((6+6)/6)^6 = (12/6)^6 = 2^6 =64
6 + 6 - 6 * 6 - 6 = 6 + 6 - 36 - 6 = -30
6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6 =54 This can also be written as 6*9. That is because 6 is added 9 times.
((6+6)/6)^6 = (12/6)^6 = 2^6 =64