2012-88 = 1924
The year of 1924 (A.D.) occurred approximately 88 years ago.
If you are 88 this year, it means you were born 88 years ago. So, if you subtract 88 from the current year, you will find the year you were born in.
Marguerite Andersen is 88 years old (birthdate: October 15, 1924).
That Colt is 88 years old, made in 1924.
Paul Fussell was born on 22 March 1924 and diedon23 May 2012 at the age of 88.
Martial Asselin was 88 years old when he died on January 25, 2013 (birthdate: February 3, 1924).
János Starker was 88 years old when he died on April 28, 2013 (born July 5, 1924).
Taylor Mead was 88 years old when he died on May 8, 2013 (birthdate: December 31, 1924).
Earl Scruggs died on March 28, 2012 at the age of 88 years old (born: January 6, 1924).
Holger Juul Hansen was 88 years old when he died on March 19, 2013 (birthdate: August 14, 1924).
Russian weightlifter Arkady Vorobyov was 88 years old when he died on December 22, 2012 (born October 3, 1924).