Fractions can have the same denominator, like 1/5 and 3/5. Or fractions can have different denominators, such as 1/5 and 3/8. So the whole thing can be divided in however many pieces.
When dividing fractions, multiply by the inverse of the fraction.That is, a/b divided by x/y = a/b times y/x = ay/bxFor example,2/5 divided by 3 = 2/5 x 1/3 = 2/152/5 divided by 1/3 = 2/5 x 3/1 = 6/55 divided by 3 = 5/1 x 1/3 = 5/35 divided by 1/3 = 5/1 x 3/1 = 15/1 (= 15)
In order to divide fractions there is a method called the "Kiss and Flip". Basically, two fractions divided by one another is the same thing as one fraction multiplied by the inverse of the second....A) 1/5 / 1/4 (these are your two fractions)B) 1/5 / 1/4 (the fractions "Kiss" a.k.a. come together)C) 1/5 X 4/1 (and the second fraction "flips". When the second fraction flips the division sign becomes a multiplication sign)D) 1/5 x 4/1 = 4/5 (at this point you multiply the numerators straight across and then the denominators. This is your answer!)
Poem To Divide Fractions :Dividing fractions is easy as pie flip the second then multiply !~Never flip the first!!!!!!!!!!Ex: 1/7 Divided by 1/5 = 1/7 Divided by 5/1 < you flip the second= 5/7Then Simplify(if told) till you cant simplify No more. :)Inverse the divisor and multiply as for example 3/4 divided by 3/5 becomes 3/4 multiplied by 5/3 = 15/12 or 5/4 in its lowest terms
3 gallons divided into 5 cans in fractions = 0.6
Fractions can have the same denominator, like 1/5 and 3/5. Or fractions can have different denominators, such as 1/5 and 3/8. So the whole thing can be divided in however many pieces.
When dividing fractions, multiply by the inverse of the fraction.That is, a/b divided by x/y = a/b times y/x = ay/bxFor example,2/5 divided by 3 = 2/5 x 1/3 = 2/152/5 divided by 1/3 = 2/5 x 3/1 = 6/55 divided by 3 = 5/1 x 1/3 = 5/35 divided by 1/3 = 5/1 x 3/1 = 15/1 (= 15)
in my head right now im thinking 5 and 1. 5x1=5 15x1=15 15 divided by 15=1 5 divided by 5=1
1 1/20
A fraction whose numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) are the same has a value of 1. The fraction, 5 over 5 (5/5), for example, is (bottom) 5 divided into (top) 5 = 1. 9/9 = 1, 7/7 = 1, and so on.
In order to divide fractions there is a method called the "Kiss and Flip". Basically, two fractions divided by one another is the same thing as one fraction multiplied by the inverse of the second....A) 1/5 / 1/4 (these are your two fractions)B) 1/5 / 1/4 (the fractions "Kiss" a.k.a. come together)C) 1/5 X 4/1 (and the second fraction "flips". When the second fraction flips the division sign becomes a multiplication sign)D) 1/5 x 4/1 = 4/5 (at this point you multiply the numerators straight across and then the denominators. This is your answer!)