There are 1000 meters/second in 1 kilo meters/second
1000 meters. "k" is short for "kilo", which means 1000.1000 meters. "k" is short for "kilo", which means 1000.1000 meters. "k" is short for "kilo", which means 1000.1000 meters. "k" is short for "kilo", which means 1000.
1.000.000 sq meters (1 kilo meter=1000meters) kilo being 1000
Prefix 'kilo' is used to denote multiples of meter and uses factor 1000. Therefore to convert meters to kilometers, value in meters has to be divided by factor used with prefix 'kilo': 200 meters = [meters] / 1000 = 200 / 1000 = 0.2 kilometers
Yes it is - the prefix 'kilo' means thousand.
There are 1000 meters/second in 1 kilo meters/second
If you mean kilometer for the term 'kilo', then 1 kilometer = 1000 meters. So 1 half kilo = 500 meters.
15 centimetres !
500 meters
1 mile =1.6 kilo meters 500 miles = 804.6 kilo meters
1000 meters. "k" is short for "kilo", which means 1000.1000 meters. "k" is short for "kilo", which means 1000.1000 meters. "k" is short for "kilo", which means 1000.1000 meters. "k" is short for "kilo", which means 1000.
1.000.000 sq meters (1 kilo meter=1000meters) kilo being 1000
Each kilometer is equal to 1000 meters. Kilo means 1000.Each kilometer is equal to 1000 meters. Kilo means 1000.Each kilometer is equal to 1000 meters. Kilo means 1000.Each kilometer is equal to 1000 meters. Kilo means 1000.
450km = 450,000 meters 1 Kilo = 1,000
Prefix 'kilo' is used to denote multiples of meter and uses factor 1000. Therefore to convert meters to kilometers, value in meters has to be divided by factor used with prefix 'kilo': 200 meters = [meters] / 1000 = 200 / 1000 = 0.2 kilometers
"A thousand of..." eg 1 kilometre is 1000 metres.
spain: 1 kilo costs 1 euro if you buy a 25 kilo bag spain: 1 kilo costs 1.40 euro if you buy in a 1 kilo box Gambia 1 kilo costs 50 cents of a euro, when bought in a 50 kilo bag, as most families do