"Roused" is not a mathematical term. 248 ROUNDED to the nearest hundred is 200.
"Roused" is not a mathematical term. 923 ROUNDED to the nearest hundred is 900.
248 to the nearest tens is 250
It is 5 rounded to the nearest whole number
247.68 years rounded to the nearest whole number is 248
248 is decreased to 200
"Roused" is not a mathematical term. 923 ROUNDED to the nearest hundred is 900.
248 to the nearest tens is 250
It is 5 rounded to the nearest whole number
248 to closest hundred: 200 248 to closest ten: 250
247.68 years rounded to the nearest whole number is 248
248 is decreased to 200
Say you approximate a length of a line.approximation to the nearest ten means you find the tens column. e.g.25632 - in this case the '32'then you round it. to 25630from 0 - 4 you round downwards, from 5 - 9 you round upwards so...248 goes to 250 for example.