The result of dividing 256 by 3 is 85 with a remainder of 1. This can be calculated by performing long division: 256 divided by 3 equals 85 with a remainder of 1. In mathematical terms, this division can be expressed as 256 รท 3 = 85 R1.
Well, darling, 256 divided by 3 is 85.3333333333 if you want to get technical. But let's be real, you can't have a third of a person or a third of a cookie, so just round that sucker down to 85. Math can be a real buzzkill sometimes, can't it?
Oh, dude, like, 256 divided by 3 is 85.33333333333333. So, you can round it to 85 if you want a whole number, but, like, technically, it's that long decimal. Math, am I right?