$15,500,000 by 2000 people = 7750 per person
Ten million, eight hundred ten thousand people.
$15,500,000 by 2000 people = 7750 per person
Siberia - is a vast geographical region in the north- eastern part of Eurasia , bounded from the west by the Ural Mountains, from the east by the Dividing Ridge near the Pacific Ocean, from the north by the Arctic Ocean , from the south by boundary of the neighboring states of Russia ( Kazakhstan, Mongolia , China). Siberia is divided into East and West Siberia. Siberia includes the following 29 Siberian cities, which have a population of over 100 thousand people . The largest of them : • Novosibirsk - 1 million 524 thousand people . • Omsk - 1 million 161 thousand people . • Krasnoyarsk - 1 million 16 thousand people . • Barnaul - 630 thousand people . • Tyumen - 657 thousand people . • Irkutsk - 606 thousand people . • Tomsk - 548 thousand people . • Novokuznetsk - 548 thousand people . • Kemerovo - 540 thousand people . • Ulan -Ude - 416 thousand people . • Chita - 331 thousand people . • Surgut - 327 thousand people . • Yakutsk - 287 thousand people . • Nizhnevartovsk - 264 thousand people . • Angarsk - 231 thousand people . • Bratsk - 241 thousand people . • Prokopevsk - 205 thousand people . • Bijsk - 205 thousand people .
Siberia - is a vast geographical region in the north- eastern part of Eurasia , bounded from the west by the Ural Mountains, from the east by the Dividing Ridge near the Pacific Ocean, from the north by the Arctic Ocean , from the south by boundary of the neighboring states of Russia ( Kazakhstan, Mongolia , China). Siberia is divided into East and West Siberia. Siberia includes the following 29 Siberian cities, which have a population of over 100 thousand people . The largest of them : • Novosibirsk - 1 million 524 thousand people . • Omsk - 1 million 161 thousand people . • Krasnoyarsk - 1 million 16 thousand people . • Barnaul - 630 thousand people . • Tyumen - 657 thousand people . • Irkutsk - 606 thousand people . • Tomsk - 548 thousand people . • Novokuznetsk - 548 thousand people . • Kemerovo - 540 thousand people . • Ulan -Ude - 416 thousand people . • Chita - 331 thousand people . • Surgut - 327 thousand people . • Yakutsk - 287 thousand people . • Nizhnevartovsk - 264 thousand people . • Angarsk - 231 thousand people . • Bratsk - 241 thousand people . • Prokopevsk - 205 thousand people . • Bijsk - 205 thousand people .
15 million 200 thousand. 15,200,000
Ten million, eight hundred ten thousand people.
2 million 500 thousand 297 people attended and 2 million 500 thousand and 369 including the people inside westminister abbey
2 million 2 million 2 million