It is: 1.0
The number is already rounded to a greater degree than that!
The number is already rounded to more than that extent.
Rounded to the nearest ones, it is 147 Rounded to the nearest ten, it is 150 Rounded to the nearest hundred, it is 100.
What is 153 rounded to the nearest ten What is 153 rounded to the nearest 10
34.35 rounded to the nearest 10th is 34.4
1.50 rounded to nearest 10th is 1.5.
37.5552 rounded to the nearest 10th = 37.6
It is 20.0 and not 19.9
8 is already rounded to the nearest 10th. Rounded to the nearest 10 is 10.
5.83 rounded to the nearest tenths is 5.8
It is already rounded to the nearest tenth as 12.7
It is 3.6 when rounded to the nearest tenth place
7.619 rounded to the nearest tenths is 7.6
10 because 8 is to small to have this and 10 is the first ten there is
15.1Another Answer:It is 15.0 when rounded to the nearest tenth