To the nearest one, 322 To the nearest ten, 320 To the nearest hundred, 300 To the nearest thousand, 0
The number 322 is already rounded to the nearest integer.
Three hundred twenty-two.
To the nearest hundred is 0. It is 0.33 to the nearest hundredth.
100 to the nearest hundred and 51.62 to the nearest hundredth.
To the nearest one, 322 To the nearest ten, 320 To the nearest hundred, 300 To the nearest thousand, 0
To the nearest hundred, 300
It is 300.
The number 322 is already rounded to the nearest integer.
It is 2,100 when rounded to the nearest hundred
Three hundred twenty-two.
Zero is the nearest hundred. 6.56 is the nearest hundredth.
To the nearest hundredth: 7.11 To the nearest hundred: zero
Zero to the nearest hundred and 5.17 to the nearest hundredth.
To the nearest hundred is 0. It is 0.33 to the nearest hundredth.