There are 34 ft in 34 ft. But 34 ft in inches is equal to 408 inches.34 ft * 12 inches/1 ft = 408 inches
34 is equal to 34.
It is: 17/12 = 1 and 5/12 as a mixed number or 34/24 as an equivalent fraction
408 34 x 12/12 = 408/12
There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, 34 feet is equal to 34 x 12 = 408 inches.
There are 34 ft in 34 ft. But 34 ft in inches is equal to 408 inches.34 ft * 12 inches/1 ft = 408 inches
if you're talking about ratios, an equivalent answer would be 6 to 8 or 9 to 12. Or 75%
34 is equal to 34.
It is: 17/12 = 1 and 5/12 as a mixed number or 34/24 as an equivalent fraction
7 / 66 is equal to 0.106061
There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, 413 inches is equal to 413/12 = 34 remainder 5 or 34 feet 5 inches.
The numbers are: 6 -3 times the sq rt of 34 and 6 +3 times the sq rt of 34