3528, 7056, 10584, 14112, 17640, 21168, 24696, . . .
The LCM is 3528.
LCD(49, 72) = 3528
MMMDVIII are the Roman numerals for 3528.Improved Answer:The above answer represents 3508 in Roman numerals whereas 3528 is actually MMMDXXVIII in Roman numerals.
3528/1,000 = 3.528 3528 meters = 3.528 kilometers
3528, 7056, 10584, 14112, 17640, 21168, 24696, . . .
The LCM is 3528.
LCD(49, 72) = 3528
The simplest form of 3528/6480= 49/90
MMMDVIII are the Roman numerals for 3528.Improved Answer:The above answer represents 3508 in Roman numerals whereas 3528 is actually MMMDXXVIII in Roman numerals.
16 divided by #
1 US ton = 2,000 pounds3,528 pounds = 3528/2000 = 1.764 tons
32 divided by 2 equals 16. 48divided by 3 equals 16. 64 divided by 4 equals 16. 16 divided by 1 equals 16.