3.642 as a fraction is: 3642/1000
7/30 cannot be simplified.7/30 cannot be simplified.7/30 cannot be simplified.7/30 cannot be simplified.
It can not be simplified further.
10.9 cannot be simplified.
8 already is simplified.
Very simple, just use this trick: 100 more than 3642 is the same as 3642+100, or 3642 + 100 _________ 3742 so 100 more than 3642 is 3742. Hope this helps, -Kabob34
The Bold and the Beautiful - 1987 1-3642 was released on: USA: 28 September 2001
3.642 as a fraction is: 3642/1000
2428/2, 3642/3 and 4856/4.
The phone number of the Tufts Archives is: 910-295-3642.
The address of the Damien And Marianne Foundation is: 130 Ohua Ave, Honolulu, HI 96815-3642
The phone number of the Adams County Historical Society is: 509-677-3642.
The address of the Southern Museum Of Flight is: 4343 73Rd St N, Birmingham, AL 35206-3642