No 19 is not a factor of 36. Some factors of 36 are 1,2,3,4,6,9,12,18 and 36.
19/36 is already simplified
The LCM is 684.
19x = 36 Therefore, x = 36/19 x = 1.894736842105263157 recurring (that is, 1.894736842105263157894736842105263157...)
Depends on usage. It is 19% of 100, but is also 100% of 19. It is 50% (or half) of 36.* * * * *19 = 50% of 36??? Try 38 instead!
They are: 5+31 = 36 or 29+7 = 36
19 + 17 = 36
No 19 is not a factor of 36. Some factors of 36 are 1,2,3,4,6,9,12,18 and 36.
The number midway between 19 and 53 is 36.
19/21. 4/7 + 3/9 = 36/63 + 21/63 = 57/63 = 19/21.
100*19/36 = 52.8%
82 add 36 = 118
Use a proportion 19/36 = x/100 cross multiply = 52.777....... % or just take 19/36
19/36 is already simplified