3 + 13 = 16, and there is no need for a decimal point to make it a decimal number.
3/13 as decimal is .231
To convert any fraction into a decimal, divide the numerator (top) number by the denominator (bottom) number. So to convert 3/13 into a decimal, divide 3 by 13.
1 and 3 13ths as a decimal = 1.3208 1 3/13 = 1 + (3 ÷ 13) = 1 + 0.3208 = 1.3208
13 and 3 over 8 = 13.375
0.230769 . . .
23.08%3/13:= 3 ÷ 13= 0.2308 in decimal= 0.2308 * 100%= 23.08%
3/13 as a decimal is 0.'230769' recurring
1/3 = 0.3333 repeating