Three divided by three written as a fraction is 3/3
Three divided by seven as a fraction is 3/7
4/2 divided by 1/3
A fraction is a division problem. The line in a fraction can be thought of as the words "divided by." 3/4 = 3 divided by 4
3/4 divided by 3/5 = 5/4
3 divided by 10 as a fraction = 3/10
Three divided by three written as a fraction is 3/3
22 divided by 3 is 22/3.
The line in a fraction can be read as "divided by." 2/3 is 2 divided by 3.
a smaller fraction! eg 3/4 divided by 5 = 3/20
Three divided by seven as a fraction is 3/7
4/2 divided by 1/3
A fraction is a division problem. The line in a fraction can be thought of as the words "divided by." 3/4 = 3 divided by 4
3/4 divided by 3/5 = 5/4
The line in a fraction can be read as "divided by." 3/4 = 3 divided by 4 = 0.75
The line in a fraction can be read as "divided by." 3/8 = 3 divided by 8 = 0.375